What Does 30 x 60 Mean on Binoculars | Guide & Explanation

Curious about what those cryptic numbers, 30 x 60, signify when you pick up a pair of binoculars? You’re not alone. These numerical enigmas often leave many scratching their heads. But fear not, understanding them can unlock a world of clarity and detail in your viewing experience.

Imagine capturing the magnificence of distant landscapes or spotting elusive wildlife with unmatched precision. That’s the magic these numbers hold. In essence, they decode the magnification power and the diameter of the objective lens, offering you a window into a realm of enhanced vision. Let’s demystify what does 30 x 60 mean on binoculars together.

Key Highlights

  • The numbers 30 x 60 indicate 30x magnification and 60mm objective lens diameter, influencing clarity and brightness.
  • The 30x magnification allows for distant observations, making these binoculars suitable for long-range viewing.
  • With a 60mm objective lens, these binoculars balance portability and light-gathering ability for various outdoor activities.
  • The specifications imply versatility, suitable for activities like bird watching, sports events, or general outdoor use.

What Does 30×60 Mean on Binoculars?

The first number you see on the binoculars is the magnification, while the second represents the effective objective lens diameter. So 30, in the case of 30×60, represents the magnification which is the number of times the optical gadget enlarges your desired sight of view.

Effective lens diameter or objective lens diameter is the second number written on the binoculars, like 60 in the case of 30×60 binoculars. Now, if you are wondering what the magnification and effective objective lens diameter are, don’t worry, as we will have a detailed discussion about them.

Understanding What Does 30 x 60 Mean on Binoculars


The magnification of the binoculars is the degree to which a pair of binoculars brings the world closer to your eyes, which means that while using 30×60 binoculars, you will be able to see the view 30 times magnified as compared to the one seen by the unaided eye.

But one thing to keep in mind is that the higher the magnification is, the narrower the field of view is. Thus with an optical gadget providing a massive magnification, there are chances that you would miss the bigger picture of the view; therefore, the rule of “the bigger, the better” doesn’t work in the case of magnification.

Another vital thing to consider is that using a pair of binoculars providing a magnification of 30x often comes with the problem of the image’s shakiness. The use of a tripod is recommended to resolve this issue.

Most specialists agree that the optimum magnification for a pair of binoculars lies somewhere between 7x and 10x, depending on the purpose for which you want to use particular binoculars. For instance, you need a magnification of 10x or higher for astronomy binoculars.

Objective Lens Diameter

Objective lens diameter shows the size of the aperture, which controls the amount of light transmitted; thus, a hefty objective lens like 60 mm displays excellent light-gathering ability. Hence, the larger the lens diameter, the more light it transmits and the brighter the view you would get. 

Moreover, the size of the objective lens also directly impacts color reproduction. Let’s be honest; everyone wants a pair of binoculars that provide bright and sharp imaging from dusk to dawn. It will help if you consider the option that offers you a large, at least 50 mm or more objective lens diameter that can ensure a quality view with true-to-life color from sunrise to sundown.

An important thing to consider is that the objective lens’s size directly impacts the binoculars’ size and weight. Therefore a pair of binoculars with a large objective lens like 60 mm weighs more than its counterparts.

Understanding What Does 30 x 60 Mean on Binoculars

Exit Pupil

Lastly, there is something that is not written on the body of the binoculars, but it indeed makes a lot of difference in the viewing experience that your binoculars offer. This factor is none other than the exit pupil. The exit pupil is the breadth of the stream of light leaving the eyepiece of the binoculars.

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It is a virtual aperture in an optical gadget and a small bright circle that can be seen in the eyepiece’s middle. The exit pupil number is something you should also consider because it tells how much brighter your image would seem to be in low-light conditions. The higher the exit pupil number is, the brighter the image you will get. 

It is calculated by dividing the objective lens’s diameter by the magnification it provides and is usually expressed in millimeters. Now, in the case of 30×60 binoculars, the exit pupil will be 60/30 = 2 mm. Now, this 2 mm exit pupil is quite average, and there is no doubt that it does an excellent job in daylight, but when it comes to nighttime, there are better choices than 30×60 binoculars.

The best low light binoculars offer an exit pupil of 5 mm or higher. For daytime view, an exit pupil of 5 mm (or in some cases even smaller but higher than 2 mm) would serve right as the exterior light is enough. At night an exit pupil of 7mm is usually recommended to get a clear and crisp view.

How to Choose The Best 30×60 Binoculars?

Binoculars are an excellent tool for the outdoors. They are handy for bird watchers, photographers, and sportspeople. But the binoculars are so much more than that. They are also a great way to see the world from different perspectives.

The best binoculars will have various features like excellent picture quality, crystal-clear images, and optically stabilized systems. These features make the picture clearer. If we are looking for distant views, these types of binoculars are what we need to have as they provide clear pictures. Moreover, the best ones will be chosen from various brands, so you can buy something that fits your needs and budget.

So following are some of the features that you should consider while buying 30×60 binoculars.

Field of View

The field of view accounts for the total area or the horizontal width of the view you can grasp with a pair of binoculars without moving your head. In the case of the field of view, the wider, the better rule sets in as with a wider field of view, you would be able to spot the thing you want to focus on instantly, and it would ensure that you won’t miss out on any crucial or once in a lifetime moment.

A field of view wider than 315 feet at 1000 yards (105m at 1,000 meters / 6.0°) would serve its purpose justly.

Lens Coating

The binocular lens coatings mostly add to the light transmitted through the lens. Hence increases the brightness, saturation, and contrast of images with better color reproduction and color fidelity, where contrast means the difference in luminance between adjacent bright and murky areas.

The higher the contrast is, the sharper and more brilliant the imaging is perceived to be. You should look for fully multi-coated lenses as they have several coatings on all air-to-glass surfaces with different refractive indices. The fully multi-coated optics being on the high-end ensures the amount of reflected light to its lowest.

At the same time, it considerably increases the optical performance and ensures impressive low-light performance. Last but not least, the fully multi-coated lens also guarantees the absence of any chromatic aberration.

Eye Relief

So no doubt that with a high magnification like 30x, you have to make a compromise in the eye relief, but that does not mean that it should be wholly forgotten. Eye relief is the optimum distance between your eyes and the eyepiece of the binoculars.

More precisely, it is the distance from the eyepiece lens’s outer surface to the point where the exit pupil is formed. The viewer can only grasp the whole essence of the picture if his eye is within this distance.

Prism Type

Prism serves to invert the otherwise upside-down images so that you can see the view as it is. The binoculars come equipped with either a Porro prism or a Roof prism.

A Roof prism is lighter in weight, smaller in size, with more optical precision, and a bit more expensive than the bulky Porro prism, which, on the other hand, offers greater depth perception. 

Durability and Weather Resistance

Durability is a feature you should pay attention to while buying a pair of binoculars. Most binoculars now offer rugged rubber armoring that adds an extra layer of protection for the binoculars and gives them a firm grip. Apart from that, you can only sometimes predict the weather when you are out on the field to watch your favorite sporting event or your favorite artist’s concert.

So you and your optical gadget should always be ready for any erratic change in weather. So you should look at the model’s durability because, frankly speaking, Guys! You are spending your hard-earned money on buying the optical device. Hence your binoculars should provide you with features like waterproofing, fog-resistance, scratch-resistance, dust proofing, etc., so that you won’t have to worry about the view’s haziness in a humid environment or the accidental water splashing on your 30×60 binoculars.

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Budget is also an essential factor that drives your binoculars choice. We suggest you go for something other than a cheap option because, in most scenarios, the price of a product reflects the quality and features it offers. Think of it as a long-term investment because you never know by choosing a cheap product.

You might spend more on repairs or replacement than investing in a pair of optically precise and substantially useful quality binoculars.

How to Choose The Best Tripod For 30×60 Binoculars?

The first thing you need to do before buying a binocular tripod is to identify what type of binoculars you want to use, as we are going to use the 30×60 binoculars, so this much is sorted. You can move directly to the second step. 

After identifying the binoculars you want to use, look for a tripod that is compatible with it. Choosing the best binocular tripod for your needs is a challenging task. There are many factors to consider when searching for the right one. Some of these factors include: how much weight they can carry and what kind of terrain you will be hiking or backpacking on to see whether or not the tripod is stable enough for that terrain. You should also consider the tripod’s construction material, aluminum or carbon fiber, etc. The last thing you will need to do before buying a tripod is deciding whether you want an adjustable height or a fixed height and what the tripod head is like.

What are The Best 30×60 Binoculars?

These days, binoculars come in a wide variety, and it may be confusing to know where to look first to get the ideal pair that meets all your needs. We have gathered the best 30×60 binoculars under one roof to simplify this entire scenario. So let’s read and enjoy it!

Some of the best 30×60 binoculars to satisfy your inner astronomy enthusiast are

  1. ZIYOUHU 30×60 Binoculars
  2. Langa 30×60 Binoculars
  3. Aurosports 30×60 Compact Folding Binoculars
  4. BARSKA Escape Porro 10-30×60 Zoom Binoculars
  5. Milcraft 30×60 Mini Compact Binoculars
  6. BARSKA Gladiator Binocular with Ruby Lens 10-30×60

What are The Uses Of 30×60 Binoculars?


30×60 binoculars are one of the best tools for viewing the night sky because they are slightly less expensive and significantly less bulky than a telescope. They are commonly used in astronomy as they provide a wider field of view and can also be used for viewing distant objects. Even low-cost models can enhance the color and shape of stars and planets and provide depth to moon craters and landscapes.

Binoculars are excellent optical devices perfect for viewing celestial or distant terrestrial objects. Binoculars with a magnification of 30x are something to consider the next time you go stargazing with your loved one. With enormous magnification, binoculars ensure a good view of the moon, stars, or planets.

Landscape Observation and Sightseeing

Using a 30×60 set of binoculars for sightseeing will work beautifully while you enjoy the rich landscape and views like mountains, hills, lakes, and so forth, provided that you have a tripod to mount it on.

Plane Spotting

Now with 30×60 binoculars, plane spotting is a piece of cake. With this enormous magnification that brings the views 30 times closer to the eyes, you can easily observe the intricate beauty of these flying machines. It will help if you mount your binoculars on a tripod to make this viewing experience enjoyable and less tiresome.

What are The Pros Of 30×60 Binoculars?

Some of the pros of 30×60 binoculars are

  1. High magnification brings distant views a whole lot closer
  2. A hefty objective lens that allows brighter images owing to good light transmission

What are The Cons Of 30×60 Binoculars?

Some of the cons of 30×60 binoculars are

  1. Low light performance is not good owing to the 2 mm exit pupil
  2. The field of view is narrow
  3. It is heavy, so you need to mount it on a tripod.

Which is Better, 10×50 or 30×60, Binoculars?

Whether 10×50 binoculars will serve you right or the 30×60 one depends on an array of factors like the purpose for which you will use them, their optical performance, durability, and your budget.


Now, if you want a pair of binoculars for birdwatching or hunting, we suggest you go for 10×50 binoculars as they offer a wider field of view compared to the 30×60 ones. On the other hand, if you want to observe celestial objects and do stargazing with your loved one, then it will be better to opt for the 30×60 binoculars due to their higher magnification.

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We all know that high magnification comes with issues like the shakiness of the images, and no doubt you can resolve them using a good tripod. But as we are comparing both models, 30×60 binoculars will have more shakiness problems than 10×50 ones.

Field of View

We all know that FOV has an inverse relation with magnification. So 10×50 binoculars have the upper hand over their 30×60 binoculars.

Low Light Performance

The low light performance generally depends on the effective objective lens diameter, and 30×60 has a larger objective lens than the 10×50 one. On the other hand, when it comes to the exit pupil of 10×50 binoculars, it is 5 mm while that of 30×60 one is 2 mm, which gives 10×50 binoculars an upper hand over the 30×60 ones based on low light performance.

So, if you want a pair of astronomy binoculars, you can settle for 30×60 binoculars. On the other hand, if you want something for hunting or birdwatching, it is better to go for 10×50 ones. So, all in all, both binoculars have their pros and cons, but 10×50 binoculars are a step ahead of the 30×60 ones owing to their better optical performance.    


Finally, the discussion on what does 30×60 mean on binoculars has ended. Finding the ideal pair of binoculars is a challenging endeavor, mainly because there are so many options available with various features. By discussing the specs you should consider before buying, we have done our best to make the process simpler for you.

After reading this in-depth analysis, we hope you fully comprehend what does 30×60 mean on binoculars. So what are you waiting for? Why not purchase the best 30×60 binoculars for better astronomical nighttime sky gazing and enjoy the outdoors immediately?



Why Do I Need Binoculars? 

A pair of binoculars allows you to focus on a distant object. Binoculars are used by many people and have a wide range of applications. The applications include hunting and fishing, astronomy, sports, etc. Binoculars are an essential part of our lives. Many people use them to better view the world around us. The advantage of focusing on distant objects not just helps you see them clearly but also helps you get more details about your surroundings. Moreover, high-powered binoculars can also be used for viewing distant objects such as planets, stars, and galaxies. Thus, binoculars are one of the most versatile and valuable tools for any outdoor enthusiast. 

Are 30×60 Good Binoculars?

Overall, if you want to enjoy astronomy, look for the moon craters, spot some intricate details of the planes, or enjoy the beauty of the majestic snow-covered mountains, 30×60 binoculars will prove to be a good comrade of yours. They are strong, heavy binoculars with high magnification power and should be used carefully mounted on a steady tripod to nullify any shakiness problems. 

What Does 10-30×50 Mean?

The first number in binocular specifications, such as 10-30×50, denotes the magnification range, allowing users to view scenes 10 to 30 times larger than with the naked eye. The second number, like 50 in this example, represents the effective objective lens diameter, influencing the amount of light transmitted for clearer images.

What is The Most Popular Binocular Size?

Mostly, the specialists recommend a magnification of 7x to 10x and an objective lens diameter of 42 to 50 mm. But if we want to narrow our choices to a particular power of binoculars, then 8×42 binoculars are the most popular choice for binoculars.

How Do I Know Which Strength Binoculars I Need?

The particular strength binoculars you need mainly depends upon the specific purpose for which you plan to use binoculars. For instance, if you want to use binoculars for birdwatching, surveillance, hunting, or wildlife viewing, it is recommended to opt for 8 to 10x magnification. On the other hand, for stargazing and viewing celestial objects, you should go for a magnification of 10x or above. Lastly, for indoor activities like opera, theater, concert halls, or indoor sports, you can settle for a pair of binoculars offering magnification of 4x to 6x, or in the case of outdoor concerts, you can also opt for 8x magnification.

How Far Can You See With 30×60 Binoculars?

With 30×60 binoculars, you can typically see objects clearly up to a distance of around 1,800 to 3,000 yards, depending on environmental conditions and the size of the target.

Which is Better 12×50 or 40×60?

The choice between 12×50 and 40×60 depends on the specific use. If you prioritize a wider field of view and brighter images, go for 12×50. However, if detailed magnification is essential, opt for 40×60.

What Does 40×60 Magnification Mean?

A 40×60 magnification means that an object will appear 40 times larger when viewed through the lens compared to the naked eye.

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